Watch and understand a song. Watch, understand, listen to, and learn a song. Answer questions, make hypothesis, work on sounds. This song is part of the musical Mamania and was…
Watch, understand, learn a song
Confinement et coaching pédagogique
Le coaching pédagogique s’adapte au confinement. Dans ce contexte de confinement, le coaching pédagogique à distance permet de répondre à vos besoins. Que vous soyez parents d’élèves, étudiants, salariés en…
Play list to be good at English
Here are three play lists to be good at English. Listen to these three ply lists about songs or jazz chants to review your English classes. Songs and chants about…
Jazz chant : Routine – Frequency
Here are more jazz chants about routine and frequency. The first jazz chant is very good to practice the present simple and frequency. Except the number 2, all jazz chants…
Daily routine and time
Jazz chant on daily routine and time. Practise talking about your daily routine with another jazz chant by Carolyn Graham . this one is a simple jazz chant about routine…
Lawsuit against GF, V or Anonymous.
Defend or attack GF, V or a member of Anonymous You have to prepare a speech for a lawsuit against GF, V or Anonymousprosecuting or defending an alleged criminal. Guy…
Practice with Jazz chant
Practice your English with Jazz Chant Practicing your English with jazz chants will help you to develop your English skills. Improve your English pronunciation and intonation. Learn more grammar and…
Bonfire Night – Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes’s Night or Bonfire Night, refers to the day Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up King James Ist and the House of Lords. The failure of this attempt…
Blablathèque Bilingue Anglais
La Blablathèque Bilingue dans la presse Article publié dans La Dépêche du Midi le 29 octobre 2019. L’ Anglais à la Blablathèque Bilingue La blablathèque installée 30bis Ancienne route Imériale…
Stages Halloween
Celebrate Halloween in English Deux stages d’anglais à l’occasion d’Halloween sont organisés : 23/24/25 2023 octobre stage Halloween – Primaire de 9H à 12H 23/24/25 2023 octobre stage Halloween –…